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The Hispanic Market
600,000+ Hispanics... Impressive Numbers!
Over 600,000+ Hispanics call Las Vegas Home. Unofficially those numbers can increase up to 750,000. In the past 21 years the Clark County Hispanic Population has grown by over 500%. Results from Census 2000 will certainly suprise many. In fact, Las Vegas is the fastest growing Hispanic market in the United States.
Guess What? They Prefer to speak Spanish!
Spanish is the language of choice in Las Vegas Hispanic households. 62% of Hispanic households speak ONLY Spanish at home. An additional 12% speak an equal amount of English and Spanish. 94% of Hispanics born in the U.S. are taught and learn Spanish before they learn English. 69% of Hispanics prefer to be marketed in Spanish.
Hispanic Population Has Doubled!
The Las Vegas Hispanic population has grown 135% from 1980 to 1990, and 130.2% from 1990 to 2007. Hispanics now account for over 25% of the Las Vegas Population, and are expected to grow to represent 28% within the next three years. Hispanics are by far the fastest growing segment of the population. About 5,000 families are moving into Las Vegas monthly. At least 1,200 of them are Hispanic.
Local Hispanic Media - It's How They're Informed
Spanish-Language television and publications like the El Mundo Newspaper are the primary medium for Las Vegas Hispanics. 88% of Hispanics living in the Las Vegas area watch and read Spanish-language materials on a daily basis.
• Las Vegas is the 25th Largest Hispanic Market in the USA
• Las Vegas Hispanic Average Households Income is: $40,056
33% Work Force By the year 2010
Hispanics will be the largest work force in Las Vegas and will
be making greater inroads into higher and better paid positions.